If you know me well, you know how much of a massive DE LA SOUL fan I am. These brothers inspired me from very early on in my musical journey. I think i caught them live 6 or 7 times in a year back in the day and they still have one of the best live shows in hip hop to this day. Maseo showed me love since the battle days and years later it was an honor for me to get Posdnuos on "The War Within".

So when DJ EFN invited me to their interview with him and Noreaga on Drink Champs, i raced over there. I was super geeked out and honored to be in the room for such an epic convo. Afterwards I finally got to meet Trugoy then after it was all said and done, to be told by Maseo that I was one of his favorite emcees, I might have well just packed it up right then and there. Super dope night and some much needed inspiration and motivation.
If you didn't peep the episode last night on Revolt, check out the full drop today on the Drink Champs podcast.
Stakes still as high as ever.
Thanks to my brothers from the Drink Champs for the invite and THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INSPIRATION DE LA SOUL!!!